I first had the idea to create a binaural sound recording whilst I was searching through YouTube to find what I called “3D/360” sound and I found quite a few videos this way which interested me and made me want to pursue something similar.
The first few videos I found weren’t based in the horror genre but instead just showed off what you could do with binaural recording:
I then continued searching and found one that was more interesting and was more horror themed:
This was the main video that I used to kick start my idea. Originally I wanted to emulate this sort of recording of a static person in the middle of a room and have all of the action going on around the listener but after talks with Emily, we decided that it would be more interesting to have a moving piece of audio that the listener would emulate in a certain area, which made us think that the top of Lincoln, towards the cathedral, would be an interesting scene to experience the audio recording I make.
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